OK – enough time spent prepping Westy. It’s time to try Westy out on an overnight camp out. We decided to go mid-week to one of our favorite spots – the campgrounds on the Metolius river in Camp Sherman, Oregon. We booked a spot at the Pioneer Ford campground, packed up food and camping equipment, and took off.
We packed Westy as described on the Organization and Storage page.
We had the chuck boxes prepped ahead of time. These boxes are generous in size and fit right under the rear deck. These hold everything from cooking gear to napkins to silverware to plates.
Here’s how the campsite looked all set up. The cooler on the right side of the picnic table is our Coleman electric cooler. We like it because it goes where we go – campsite, motel, wherever.
The shakedown trip was a total success and we learned lots of tips for our next trip in September.